Voting Change Proposal: Pass a basic literacy test or your vote doesn't count.
(too old to reply)
2015-06-27 18:27:33 UTC
If you can't read or understand who or what you cast your vote
for, your vote should not count.

This is very easy to solve using ordinary CAPTCHA methods.

After each voting option selection, you will be presented with a
CAPTCHA basic sentence in English not exceeding seven words with
a simple yes or no answer.

An incorrect answer will result in the voting choice being
flagged and it will not be counted.

At the end of voting, you will be presented with an optional
paper readout that you can use to contest your vote results.

All contested votes including selection, CAPTCHA sentence &
answer, voter name, party, address and polling location will be
published on the county voter registration website until the
vote is resolved.

A wrong answer is wrong period and cannot be contested.

2015-06-27 18:37:56 UTC
Post by Dal
If you can't read or understand who or what you cast your vote
for, your vote should not count.
This is very easy to solve using ordinary CAPTCHA methods.
After each voting option selection, you will be presented with a
CAPTCHA basic sentence in English not exceeding seven words with
a simple yes or no answer.
An incorrect answer will result in the voting choice being
flagged and it will not be counted.
At the end of voting, you will be presented with an optional
paper readout that you can use to contest your vote results.
All contested votes including selection, CAPTCHA sentence &
answer, voter name, party, address and polling location will be
published on the county voter registration website until the
vote is resolved.
A wrong answer is wrong period and cannot be contested.
Got any more stupid ideas?
2015-06-27 18:42:49 UTC
Post by A
Post by Dal
If you can't read or understand who or what you cast your vote
for, your vote should not count.
This is very easy to solve using ordinary CAPTCHA methods.
After each voting option selection, you will be presented with a
CAPTCHA basic sentence in English not exceeding seven words with
a simple yes or no answer.
An incorrect answer will result in the voting choice being
flagged and it will not be counted.
At the end of voting, you will be presented with an optional
paper readout that you can use to contest your vote results.
All contested votes including selection, CAPTCHA sentence &
answer, voter name, party, address and polling location will be
published on the county voter registration website until the
vote is resolved.
A wrong answer is wrong period and cannot be contested.
Got any more stupid ideas?
Great idea, though... Completely illegal and unconstitutional... but I
think it would eliminate many people who base their vote on knowing a
single letter - "R" or "D".
Oxymorons: Tight slacks. Plastic glasses. Original Copy. Old news.
Clearly misunderstood. Almost exactly. Act Natural. Microsoft Works.
Fox News.
2015-06-27 18:49:19 UTC
Post by FPP
Post by A
Post by Dal
If you can't read or understand who or what you cast your vote
for, your vote should not count.
This is very easy to solve using ordinary CAPTCHA methods.
After each voting option selection, you will be presented with a
CAPTCHA basic sentence in English not exceeding seven words with
a simple yes or no answer.
An incorrect answer will result in the voting choice being
flagged and it will not be counted.
At the end of voting, you will be presented with an optional
paper readout that you can use to contest your vote results.
All contested votes including selection, CAPTCHA sentence &
answer, voter name, party, address and polling location will be
published on the county voter registration website until the
vote is resolved.
A wrong answer is wrong period and cannot be contested.
Got any more stupid ideas?
Great idea, though... Completely illegal and unconstitutional... but I
think it would eliminate many people who base their vote on knowing a
single letter - "R" or "D".
Do you really think that there are that many illiterate people in the
States? Don't need that shit to buy a gun.
2015-06-27 22:25:55 UTC
Post by A
Post by FPP
Post by A
Post by Dal
If you can't read or understand who or what you cast your vote
for, your vote should not count.
This is very easy to solve using ordinary CAPTCHA methods.
After each voting option selection, you will be presented with a
CAPTCHA basic sentence in English not exceeding seven words with
a simple yes or no answer.
An incorrect answer will result in the voting choice being
flagged and it will not be counted.
At the end of voting, you will be presented with an optional
paper readout that you can use to contest your vote results.
All contested votes including selection, CAPTCHA sentence &
answer, voter name, party, address and polling location will be
published on the county voter registration website until the
vote is resolved.
A wrong answer is wrong period and cannot be contested.
Got any more stupid ideas?
Great idea, though... Completely illegal and unconstitutional... but I
think it would eliminate many people who base their vote on knowing a
single letter - "R" or "D".
Do you really think that there are that many illiterate people in the
States? Don't need that shit to buy a gun.
Illiterate, no.

Ignorant, yes.
Illiterate? Write for our free brochure!
2015-06-27 22:41:20 UTC
Post by FPP
Post by A
Post by FPP
Post by A
Post by Dal
If you can't read or understand who or what you cast your vote
for, your vote should not count.
This is very easy to solve using ordinary CAPTCHA methods.
After each voting option selection, you will be presented with a
CAPTCHA basic sentence in English not exceeding seven words with
a simple yes or no answer.
An incorrect answer will result in the voting choice being
flagged and it will not be counted.
At the end of voting, you will be presented with an optional
paper readout that you can use to contest your vote results.
All contested votes including selection, CAPTCHA sentence &
answer, voter name, party, address and polling location will be
published on the county voter registration website until the
vote is resolved.
A wrong answer is wrong period and cannot be contested.
Got any more stupid ideas?
Great idea, though... Completely illegal and unconstitutional... but I
think it would eliminate many people who base their vote on knowing a
single letter - "R" or "D".
Do you really think that there are that many illiterate people in the
States? Don't need that shit to buy a gun.
Illiterate, no.
Ignorant, yes.
Especially on the right.
2015-06-28 21:16:39 UTC
Post by A
Do you really think that there are that many illiterate people in the
Depends on the definition of literate. In Europe, you are
illiterate if you can't UNDERSTAND what you read. If people understood
anything at all, Fox News would have gone broke a long time ago.
Don't be evil - Google 2004
We have a new policy - Google 2012
Your Name
2015-06-28 22:39:24 UTC
Post by Shadow
Post by A
Do you really think that there are that many illiterate people in the
Depends on the definition of literate. In Europe, you are
illiterate if you can't UNDERSTAND what you read. If people understood
anything at all, Fox News would have gone broke a long time ago.
There are millions of illiterate people in America (and most other
countries are no better). Many kids leave school without any real
reading, writing, of mathematics skills.
2015-06-27 20:14:22 UTC
Post by A
Post by Dal
If you can't read or understand who or what you cast your vote
for, your vote should not count.
This is very easy to solve using ordinary CAPTCHA methods.
After each voting option selection, you will be presented with a
CAPTCHA basic sentence in English not exceeding seven words with
a simple yes or no answer.
An incorrect answer will result in the voting choice being
flagged and it will not be counted.
At the end of voting, you will be presented with an optional
paper readout that you can use to contest your vote results.
All contested votes including selection, CAPTCHA sentence &
answer, voter name, party, address and polling location will be
published on the county voter registration website until the
vote is resolved.
A wrong answer is wrong period and cannot be contested.
Got any more stupid ideas?
# Great idea, though... Completely illegal and unconstitutional... but I
# think it would eliminate many people who base their vote on knowing a
# single letter - "R" or "D".

Quite true.
"Imagine how stupid the average person is, and then you realize that half of
the people are stupider!" ..Carlin
Joe Cooper
2015-06-27 20:34:09 UTC
Post by A
Got any more stupid ideas?
Ayup: Make folks prove they're citizens and have a RIGHT to vote.
"The sad part of this submission to evil is that leftists are abject
cowards and pack animals; stand up to them en masse, and they’ll scatter
like the capons and clucking hens they are. Instead, legitimate freedom is
being lost." (Selwyn Duke)

"Never underestimate the willingness of white progressives to be offended
on behalf of people who aren’t and to impose their will on those who didn’t
ask for it." (Derek Hunter)

"Liberals never argue with one another over substance; their only dispute
is how to prevent the public from figuring out what they really believe."
(Ann Coulter)
2015-06-28 16:07:39 UTC
Post by Joe Cooper
Post by A
Got any more stupid ideas?
Ayup: Make folks prove they're citizens and have a RIGHT to vote.

And the comment "Got any more stupid ideas?" came from "A" (whoever the fuck
that is), not me.
Siri Cruz
2015-06-28 17:48:44 UTC
Post by Wayne
Post by Joe Cooper
Post by A
Got any more stupid ideas?
Ayup: Make folks prove they're citizens and have a RIGHT to vote.
So they have an absolute, unfetterred, unregulateable right to be armed to teeth
anywhere they want, but not to vote. Interesting. Do you have an inalienable
right to open carry to a polling station?

Except the New Black Panthers. If they carry a mere billy club, it's a scandal
that should result in presidential impeachment.

Tell me again why blacks should vote Republican.
:-<> Siri Seal of Disavowal #000-001. Disavowed. Denied. Deleted.
'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.'
When is a Kenyan not a Kenyan? When he's a Canadian.
That's People's Commissioner Siri Cruz now. Punch!
David Dietrich
2015-06-28 17:55:58 UTC
Post by Siri Cruz
Post by Wayne
Post by Joe Cooper
Post by A
Got any more stupid ideas?
Ayup: Make folks prove they're citizens and have a RIGHT to vote.
So they have an absolute, unfetterred,
Another incorrect doubling of the terminal 'r'. Are you illiterate?
Post by Siri Cruz
unregulateable right to be armed to teeth
anywhere they want,
No, they don't, and no competent court has every said that.
2015-06-28 18:24:08 UTC
On 2015-06-28 17:55:58 +0000, David Dietrich
Post by David Dietrich
Post by Siri Cruz
Post by Wayne
Post by Joe Cooper
Post by A
Got any more stupid ideas?
Ayup: Make folks prove they're citizens and have a RIGHT to vote.
So they have an absolute, unfetterred,
Another incorrect doubling of the terminal 'r'. Are you illiterate?
Post by Siri Cruz
unregulateable right to be armed to teeth
anywhere they want,
No, they don't, and no competent court has every said that.
So, let me get this straight... you're bitching about a "double-r", and
you then type "no competent court has every said that"?

"Every" said what?

As to your question "Are you illiterate?" - I don't know? Why not
write for our free brochure, and we'll find out...
"Don't Believe Everything You Read on the Internet" -Albert Einstein
Siri Cruz
2015-06-28 18:46:01 UTC
Post by FPP
"Don't Believe Everything You Read on the Internet" -Albert Einstein
Actually Turing said that. Einstein never understood computers.
:-<> Siri Seal of Disavowal #000-001. Disavowed. Denied. Deleted.
'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.'
When is a Kenyan not a Kenyan? When he's a Canadian.
That's People's Commissioner Siri Cruz now. Punch!
2015-06-28 18:20:57 UTC
Post by Siri Cruz
Post by Wayne
Post by Joe Cooper
Post by A
Got any more stupid ideas?
Ayup: Make folks prove they're citizens and have a RIGHT to vote.
So they have an absolute, unfetterred, unregulateable right to be armed to teeth
anywhere they want, but not to vote. Interesting. Do you have an inalienable
right to open carry to a polling station?
Except the New Black Panthers. If they carry a mere billy club, it's a scandal
that should result in presidential impeachment.
Tell me again why blacks should vote Republican.
So they won't have to worry their pretty little heads about voting, ever again?
PeeStink Alergy <***@email.com> FINALLY admits the truth,
that he thinks I'm a genius, and he's a liar - and is damned proud of
it! Thank you, ever so much!

On 2015-06-24, "BeeSting Alergy" said: "StingNote #1: Of course, the
subject header is mine AND NOT TRUE. But..." and "She makes both "wy" &
"FPP" look like board-certified geniuses."

2015-06-28 18:30:30 UTC
In article
Post by Siri Cruz
Post by Wayne
Post by Joe Cooper
Post by A
Got any more stupid ideas?
Ayup: Make folks prove they're citizens and have a RIGHT to vote.
So they have an absolute, unfetterred, unregulateable right to be armed to
teeth anywhere they want, but not to vote. Interesting. Do you have an
inalienable right to open carry to a polling station?
Why would a polling station be any different than a gas station?
Post by Siri Cruz
Except the New Black Panthers. If they carry a mere billy club, it's a
scandal that should result in presidential impeachment.
Ah, so you're purposely confusing merely walking in to vote with a valid
license or validly open carrying under state law with loitering outside
with weapons and making intimidating comments to voters as they enter.
Siri Cruz
2015-06-28 18:43:22 UTC
Post by BTR1701
In article
Post by Siri Cruz
Post by Wayne
Post by Joe Cooper
Post by A
Got any more stupid ideas?
Ayup: Make folks prove they're citizens and have a RIGHT to vote.
So they have an absolute, unfetterred, unregulateable right to be armed to
teeth anywhere they want, but not to vote. Interesting. Do you have an
inalienable right to open carry to a polling station?
Why would a polling station be any different than a gas station?
Post by Siri Cruz
Except the New Black Panthers. If they carry a mere billy club, it's a
scandal that should result in presidential impeachment.
Ah, so you're purposely confusing merely walking in to vote with a valid
license or validly open carrying under state law with loitering outside
with weapons and making intimidating comments to voters as they enter.
So now you want voting while black to be a crime.
:-<> Siri Seal of Disavowal #000-001. Disavowed. Denied. Deleted.
'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.'
When is a Kenyan not a Kenyan? When he's a Canadian.
That's People's Commissioner Siri Cruz now. Punch!
2015-06-28 20:19:16 UTC
In article
Post by Siri Cruz
Post by BTR1701
In article
Post by Siri Cruz
Post by Wayne
Post by Joe Cooper
Post by A
Got any more stupid ideas?
Ayup: Make folks prove they're citizens and have a RIGHT to vote.
So they have an absolute, unfetterred, unregulateable right to be armed to
teeth anywhere they want, but not to vote. Interesting. Do you have an
inalienable right to open carry to a polling station?
Why would a polling station be any different than a gas station?
Post by Siri Cruz
Except the New Black Panthers. If they carry a mere billy club, it's a
scandal that should result in presidential impeachment.
Ah, so you're purposely confusing merely walking in to vote with a valid
license or validly open carrying under state law with loitering outside
with weapons and making intimidating comments to voters as they enter.
So now you want voting while black to be a crime.
And now you're apparently in the twilight zone, just making things up
and pretending I said them.
David Dietrich
2015-06-28 20:33:31 UTC
Post by Siri Cruz
Post by BTR1701
In article
Post by Siri Cruz
Post by Wayne
Post by Joe Cooper
Post by A
Got any more stupid ideas?
Ayup: Make folks prove they're citizens and have a RIGHT to vote.
So they have an absolute, unfetterred, unregulateable right to be armed to
teeth anywhere they want, but not to vote. Interesting. Do you have an
inalienable right to open carry to a polling station?
Why would a polling station be any different than a gas station?
Post by Siri Cruz
Except the New Black Panthers. If they carry a mere billy club, it's a
scandal that should result in presidential impeachment.
Ah, so you're purposely confusing merely walking in to vote with a valid
license or validly open carrying under state law with loitering outside
with weapons and making intimidating comments to voters as they enter.
So now you want voting while black to be a crime.
The Black Panther goons in Philadelphia were not there to vote. They
were there to intimidate white people into not voting.

But you already knew that.
2015-06-28 20:52:53 UTC
Post by Wayne
Post by Joe Cooper
Post by A
Got any more stupid ideas?
Ayup: Make folks prove they're citizens and have a RIGHT to vote.
# So they have an absolute, unfetterred, unregulateable right to be armed to
# anywhere they want, but not to vote. Interesting. Do you have an
# right to open carry to a polling station?

So where the hell did you get the idea that the 2nd applies to non-citizens?
Rudy Canoza
2015-06-28 17:53:14 UTC
Post by Joe Cooper
Post by A
Got any more stupid ideas?
Ayup: Make folks prove they're citizens and have a RIGHT to vote.
Proof of eligibility to vote is a good thing.
2015-06-28 18:25:35 UTC
Post by Rudy Canoza
Post by Joe Cooper
Post by A
Got any more stupid ideas?
Ayup: Make folks prove they're citizens and have a RIGHT to vote.
Proof of eligibility to vote is a good thing.
Good thing you don't have to prove eligibility to post...
Only the mediocre are always at their best. - Giraudoux
Charles H. Sampson
2015-06-28 07:05:05 UTC
Post by Dal
If you can't read or understand who or what you cast your vote
for, your vote should not count.
We tried that and it didn't work. It was used all over the South as a
ruse to prevent Blacks from voting. You didn't identify a mechanism to
prevent that kind of thing from happening again.

Nobody in this country got rich on his own. You built a factory--good.
But you moved your goods on roads we all paid for. You hired workers we
all paid to educate. So keep a big hunk of the money from your factory.
But take a hunk and pay it forward. Elizabeth Warren (paraphrased)
Your Name
2015-06-28 07:35:15 UTC
Post by Charles H. Sampson
Post by Dal
If you can't read or understand who or what you cast your vote
for, your vote should not count.
We tried that and it didn't work. It was used all over the South as a
ruse to prevent Blacks from voting. You didn't identify a mechanism to
prevent that kind of thing from happening again.
There were two items in the newspaper here in New Zealand recently.

One idiot columnist wrote that old people shouldn't be allowed to vote
because they won't be around much longer and so won't have to live with
the consequences.

Another item was a brief poll (I don't know where they got the idea, it
could have been the same idiot columnist) which asked people on the
street if they would be happy to give up the right to vote if they
didn't have to pay taxes ... well, duh! No surprise that pretty much
everyone said yes. Of course, then the government would have no money
to waste on their over-bloated salaries, excessive perks, pet projects,
and white elephant ideas.
Your Name
2015-06-28 07:37:38 UTC
Post by Charles H. Sampson
Post by Dal
If you can't read or understand who or what you cast your vote
for, your vote should not count.
We tried that and it didn't work. It was used all over the South as a
ruse to prevent Blacks from voting. You didn't identify a mechanism to
prevent that kind of thing from happening again.
Personally I don't think you should be allowed to emigrate to a country
unless you can pass a decent literacy test. Even tourists should have
to have a basic understanding so they can read road signs, ask for
help, etc.
Joe Cooper
2015-06-28 18:28:59 UTC
Post by Your Name
Personally I don't think you should be allowed to emigrate to a country
unless you can pass a decent literacy test. Even tourists should have
to have a basic understanding so they can read road signs, ask for
help, etc.
Darn! That makes you a RACIST - just ask any Democrat. They NEED millions
of illiterate voters to maintain their power.
"The sad part of this submission to evil is that leftists are abject
cowards and pack animals; stand up to them en masse, and they’ll scatter
like the capons and clucking hens they are. Instead, legitimate freedom is
being lost." (Selwyn Duke)

"Never underestimate the willingness of white progressives to be offended
on behalf of people who aren’t and to impose their will on those who didn’t
ask for it." (Derek Hunter)

"Liberals never argue with one another over substance; their only dispute
is how to prevent the public from figuring out what they really believe."
(Ann Coulter)
Siri Cruz
2015-06-28 18:44:36 UTC
Post by Joe Cooper
Post by Your Name
Personally I don't think you should be allowed to emigrate to a country
unless you can pass a decent literacy test. Even tourists should have
to have a basic understanding so they can read road signs, ask for
help, etc.
Darn! That makes you a RACIST - just ask any Democrat. They NEED millions
of illiterate voters to maintain their power.
It's so sweet when British assholes and American assholes can make common cause.
:-<> Siri Seal of Disavowal #000-001. Disavowed. Denied. Deleted.
'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.'
When is a Kenyan not a Kenyan? When he's a Canadian.
That's People's Commissioner Siri Cruz now. Punch!
Your Name
2015-06-28 22:38:56 UTC
Post by Joe Cooper
Post by Your Name
Personally I don't think you should be allowed to emigrate to a country
unless you can pass a decent literacy test. Even tourists should have
to have a basic understanding so they can read road signs, ask for
help, etc.
Darn! That makes you a RACIST - just ask any Democrat. They NEED millions
of illiterate voters to maintain their power.
Nope, I don't care about what race they are, simply that they
understand the language of the country they intend to live in / visit.
That must make me a "linquist" ... oh , wait, that's not right. ;-)
2015-06-29 00:50:59 UTC
Post by Your Name
Post by Joe Cooper
Post by Your Name
Personally I don't think you should be allowed to emigrate to a country
unless you can pass a decent literacy test. Even tourists should have
to have a basic understanding so they can read road signs, ask for
help, etc.
Darn! That makes you a RACIST - just ask any Democrat. They NEED millions
of illiterate voters to maintain their power.
Nope, I don't care about what race they are, simply that they
understand the language of the country they intend to live in / visit.
That must make me a "linquist" ... oh , wait, that's not right. ;-)
But the USA doesn't have an official language.

I'm sure in some parts of the country, Spanish is the dominant
language. Should people who want to vote there learn Spanish in order
to qualify?

How about when Brown people become the majority of the country... which
is going to happen sooner, rather than later?

Will we all have to learn a new language based on who is in the
majority at the time?
Computers are like Old Testament Gods. Lots of rules, and no mercy.
2015-06-29 06:08:47 UTC
Post by FPP
Post by Your Name
Post by Joe Cooper
Post by Your Name
Personally I don't think you should be allowed to emigrate to a country
unless you can pass a decent literacy test. Even tourists should have
to have a basic understanding so they can read road signs, ask for
help, etc.
Darn! That makes you a RACIST - just ask any Democrat. They NEED millions
of illiterate voters to maintain their power.
Nope, I don't care about what race they are, simply that they
understand the language of the country they intend to live in / visit.
That must make me a "linquist" ... oh , wait, that's not right. ;-)
But the USA doesn't have an official language.
I'm sure in some parts of the country, Spanish is the dominant
language. Should people who want to vote there learn Spanish in order
to qualify?
How about when Brown people become the majority of the country... which
is going to happen sooner, rather than later?
Will we all have to learn a new language based on who is in the
majority at the time?
We'd all still better be learning English-- which is the international
language of business and technology-- unless we want to become another
3rd-world also-ran failed state.
2015-06-29 07:18:15 UTC
Post by BTR1701
Post by FPP
Post by Your Name
Post by Joe Cooper
Post by Your Name
Personally I don't think you should be allowed to emigrate to a country
unless you can pass a decent literacy test. Even tourists should have
to have a basic understanding so they can read road signs, ask for
help, etc.
Darn! That makes you a RACIST - just ask any Democrat. They NEED millions
of illiterate voters to maintain their power.
Nope, I don't care about what race they are, simply that they
understand the language of the country they intend to live in / visit.
That must make me a "linquist" ... oh , wait, that's not right. ;-)
But the USA doesn't have an official language.
I'm sure in some parts of the country, Spanish is the dominant
language. Should people who want to vote there learn Spanish in order
to qualify?
How about when Brown people become the majority of the country... which
is going to happen sooner, rather than later?
Will we all have to learn a new language based on who is in the
majority at the time?
We'd all still better be learning English-- which is the international
language of business and technology-- unless we want to become another
3rd-world also-ran failed state.
You know, they USED to say that about French, at one time... :-)
Never judge a man till you've walked a mile in his shoes. By then,
you're a mile away, you've got his shoes,and you can say whatever the
hell you want.
2015-06-29 11:19:58 UTC
Post by BTR1701
Post by FPP
Post by Your Name
Post by Joe Cooper
Post by Your Name
Personally I don't think you should be allowed to emigrate to a country
unless you can pass a decent literacy test. Even tourists should have
to have a basic understanding so they can read road signs, ask for
help, etc.
Darn! That makes you a RACIST - just ask any Democrat. They NEED millions
of illiterate voters to maintain their power.
Nope, I don't care about what race they are, simply that they
understand the language of the country they intend to live in / visit.
That must make me a "linquist" ... oh , wait, that's not right. ;-)
But the USA doesn't have an official language.
I'm sure in some parts of the country, Spanish is the dominant
language. Should people who want to vote there learn Spanish in order
to qualify?
How about when Brown people become the majority of the country... which
is going to happen sooner, rather than later?
Will we all have to learn a new language based on who is in the
majority at the time?
We'd all still better be learning English-- which is the international
language of business and technology-- unless we want to become another
3rd-world also-ran failed state.
That's totally logical: you're saying that the people that already know
English aren't smart enough to prevent us from falling to that level.
You would be one of those people, then.

Joe Cooper
2015-06-29 20:40:32 UTC
Post by Your Name
Post by Joe Cooper
Darn! That makes you a RACIST - just ask any Democrat. They NEED
millions of illiterate voters to maintain their power.
Nope, I don't care about what race they are, simply that they
understand the language of the country they intend to live in / visit.
That must make me a "linquist" ... oh , wait, that's not right. ;-)
There's the rub - Democrats don't CARE what you care about. Anyone who
criticizes their open border, non-citizens-can-vote routine will
immediately be labled RACIST.

If you do not think non-citizens should be voting, you're a racist.
If you are opposed to TPP, you're a racist.
If you own a gun, you're a racist who only bought it to kill blacks.

Fess up.
"The sad part of this submission to evil is that leftists are abject
cowards and pack animals; stand up to them en masse, and they’ll scatter
like the capons and clucking hens they are. Instead, legitimate freedom
is being lost." (Selwyn Duke)

"Never underestimate the willingness of white progressives to be offended
on behalf of people who aren’t and to impose their will on those who
didn’t ask for it." (Derek Hunter)

"Liberals never argue with one another over substance; their only dispute
is how to prevent the public from figuring out what they really
believe." (Ann Coulter)
2015-06-29 22:17:24 UTC
Post by Joe Cooper
Post by Your Name
Post by Joe Cooper
Darn! That makes you a RACIST - just ask any Democrat. They NEED
millions of illiterate voters to maintain their power.
Nope, I don't care about what race they are, simply that they
understand the language of the country they intend to live in / visit.
That must make me a "linquist" ... oh , wait, that's not right. ;-)
There's the rub - Democrats don't CARE what you care about. Anyone who
criticizes their open border, non-citizens-can-vote routine will
immediately be labled RACIST.
If you do not think non-citizens should be voting, you're a racist.
If you are opposed to TPP, you're a racist.
If you own a gun, you're a racist who only bought it to kill blacks.
LOL. Something you should know is that TPP is a GOP initiative.
McConnell got in bed with Obama and claimed he had an "outer body experience"
Democrats supporting it are in the minority. Just like with NAFTA.

These trade deal are not good for America.
It's not about democrats and republicans any more. It is about
lobbyists and the rest of us. These trade deals exposes which
politicians are pro-American and which ones are the lobbyists whores.
Post by Joe Cooper
Fess up.
"The sad part of this submission to evil is that leftists are abject
cowards and pack animals; stand up to them en masse, and they'll scatter
like the capons and clucking hens they are. Instead, legitimate freedom
is being lost." (Selwyn Duke)
"Never underestimate the willingness of white progressives to be offended
on behalf of people who aren't and to impose their will on those who
didn't ask for it." (Derek Hunter)
"Liberals never argue with one another over substance; their only dispute
is how to prevent the public from figuring out what they really
believe." (Ann Coulter)
2015-06-29 23:30:40 UTC
Post by Joe Cooper
Post by Your Name
Post by Joe Cooper
Darn! That makes you a RACIST - just ask any Democrat. They NEED
millions of illiterate voters to maintain their power.
Nope, I don't care about what race they are, simply that they
understand the language of the country they intend to live in / visit.
That must make me a "linquist" ... oh , wait, that's not right. ;-)
There's the rub - Democrats don't CARE what you care about. Anyone who
criticizes their open border, non-citizens-can-vote routine will
immediately be labled RACIST.
If you do not think non-citizens should be voting, you're a racist.
If you are opposed to TPP, you're a racist.
If you own a gun, you're a racist who only bought it to kill blacks.
Fess up.
I guess that last week really rubbed your ass the wrong way.

Get used to disappointment... you've got a lot more coming.
“The only difference between a tax man and a taxidermist is that the
taxidermist leaves the skin.” ―Twain
Bill Steele
2015-06-30 18:45:43 UTC
Post by FPP
Get used to disappointment... you've got a lot more coming.
When this thread dies.
2015-06-28 08:39:02 UTC
How do illiterat voters know who to vote for? The local city newspaper went I live, which is no more than a propaganda organ for the Dumbocrat party prints a copy of the ballot and checks off the"desired" candidates. A copy of that is brought into the voting booth and, golly, another voter intelligently voted straight Democrat ticket. Add those votes to the ones cast by the dearly departed and the Democrats always seem to fare pretty well. Who needs to pass tests when the Dumbocrats do so well without them?
2015-06-28 21:13:06 UTC
On Sat, 27 Jun 2015 20:27:33 +0200 (CEST), "Dal"
Post by Dal
If you can't read or understand who or what you cast your vote
for, your vote should not count.
This is very easy to solve using ordinary CAPTCHA methods.
After each voting option selection, you will be presented with a
CAPTCHA basic sentence in English not exceeding seven words with
a simple yes or no answer.
An incorrect answer will result in the voting choice being
flagged and it will not be counted.
Republicans would never be voted in again.
The USA would become a dictatorship, with only one party.
Think of the consequences before proposing something like that.

PS From the headers, I deduce you live in California, are
retired homosexual with a crush on generals, and watch a lot of TV.
Good for you.
Don't be evil - Google 2004
We have a new policy - Google 2012
Joe Cooper
2015-06-29 20:44:39 UTC
Post by Shadow
Republicans would never be voted in again.
The USA would become a dictatorship, with only one party.
The US has already become a oligarchical police state. Two parties exist in
name only - witness Speaker Boehner's punishment of any conservative
Republican who opposes the Obama agenda...then there's the Supreme Court's
recent rulings that words do not matter, laws do not matter, and your votes
do not matter.
"The sad part of this submission to evil is that leftists are abject
cowards and pack animals; stand up to them en masse, and they’ll scatter
like the capons and clucking hens they are. Instead, legitimate freedom is
being lost." (Selwyn Duke)

"Never underestimate the willingness of white progressives to be offended
on behalf of people who aren’t and to impose their will on those who didn’t
ask for it." (Derek Hunter)

"Liberals never argue with one another over substance; their only dispute
is how to prevent the public from figuring out what they really believe."
(Ann Coulter)
2015-06-29 22:22:46 UTC
Post by Joe Cooper
Post by Shadow
Republicans would never be voted in again.
The USA would become a dictatorship, with only one party.
The US has already become a oligarchical police state. Two parties exist in
name only - witness Speaker Boehner's punishment of any conservative
Republican who opposes the Obama agenda...then there's the Supreme Court's
recent rulings that words do not matter, laws do not matter, and your votes
do not matter.
Yes. You are correct. These issues are beyond the old liberal/conservative
ideals. They are pro-globalist and the rest us are left figuring it out.
It is the New World Order.
They confuse us with liberal/conservative talk while we slowly cede
power to the world govt.
Post by Joe Cooper
"The sad part of this submission to evil is that leftists are abject
cowards and pack animals; stand up to them en masse, and they'll scatter
like the capons and clucking hens they are. Instead, legitimate freedom is
being lost." (Selwyn Duke)
"Never underestimate the willingness of white progressives to be offended
on behalf of people who aren't and to impose their will on those who didn't
ask for it." (Derek Hunter)
"Liberals never argue with one another over substance; their only dispute
is how to prevent the public from figuring out what they really believe."
(Ann Coulter)
Bill Steele
2015-06-30 18:50:03 UTC
Post by Joe Cooper
then there's the Supreme Court's
recent rulings that words do not matter, laws do not matter, and your votes
do not matter.
Yes, the argument homophobes come up with is "The people should decide."
Even the people can't overrule he Constitution.
Siri Cruz
2015-06-30 19:28:40 UTC
Post by Bill Steele
Post by Joe Cooper
then there's the Supreme Court's
recent rulings that words do not matter, laws do not matter, and your votes
do not matter.
Yes, the argument homophobes come up with is "The people should decide."
Even the people can't overrule he Constitution.
Actually the people did decide when they had their legislators ratify the
Constitution and its amendments. Sometimes the people get confused and make
contradictory decisions. Then it's up to courts to sort it out and decide what
the people really decided.

And the people can decide to amend the law by amending the Constitution. Not
bluddy likely here, but it gives Fox News something to rant over with its
candidates while chasing younger voters to Clinton.
:-<> Siri Seal of Disavowal #000-001. Disavowed. Denied. Deleted.
'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.'
When is a Kenyan not a Kenyan? When he's a Canadian.
That's People's Commissioner Siri Cruz now. Punch!
Joe Cooper
2015-06-30 20:06:51 UTC
Post by Bill Steele
Yes, the argument homophobes come up with is "The people should decide."
Even the people can't overrule he Constitution.
Correct - but the Supreme Court clearly can.
"The sad part of this submission to evil is that leftists are abject
cowards and pack animals; stand up to them en masse, and they’ll scatter
like the capons and clucking hens they are. Instead, legitimate freedom is
being lost." (Selwyn Duke)

"Never underestimate the willingness of white progressives to be offended
on behalf of people who aren’t and to impose their will on those who didn’t
ask for it." (Derek Hunter)

"Liberals never argue with one another over substance; their only dispute
is how to prevent the public from figuring out what they really believe."
(Ann Coulter)
Sir Gregory Hall, Esq.
2016-06-25 17:44:29 UTC
Post by Bill Steele
Post by Joe Cooper
then there's the Supreme Court's
recent rulings that words do not matter, laws do not matter, and your votes
do not matter.
Yes, the argument homophobes come up with is "The people should decide."
Even the people can't overrule he Constitution.
Isn't Obama a person? Hasn't the bastard regularly overruled the Constitution.

And didn't for liberal Supreme Court Justices rule against the separation of
powers when they sided with Obama's illegal amnesty legislation from the
Sir Gregory Hall, Esq.

"It is my learned opinion that a man
should not mince words just to spare
the sensibilities of the thin-skinned
or the ignorant."