US town rejects solar panels amid fears they 'suck up all the energy from the sun'
(too old to reply)
2015-12-14 01:20:21 UTC


US town has rejected a proposal for a solar farm following public concerns.

Members of the public in Woodland, North Carolina, expressed their fear and mistrust at the proposal to allow Strata Solar Company to build a solar farm off Highway 258.

During the Woodland Town Council meeting, one local man, Bobby Mann, said solar farms would suck up all the energy from the sun and businesses would not go to Woodland, the Roanoke-Chowan News Herald reported.

Jane Mann, a retired science teacher, said she was concerned the panels would prevent plants in the area from photosynthesizing, stopping them from growing.

Ms Mann said she had seen areas near solar panels where plants are brown and dead because they did not get enough sunlight.

She also questioned the high number of cancer deaths in the area, saying no one could tell her solar panels didn't cause cancer. ....
2015-12-14 01:24:28 UTC
US town has rejected a proposal ...
And we wonder why there are so many people for Trump!

"Low information, poorly educated, unfortunately able to vote..."
Bill Bowden
2015-12-14 05:05:12 UTC
Post by chatnoir
US town has rejected a proposal for a solar farm following public concerns.
Members of the public in Woodland, North Carolina, expressed their fear
and mistrust at the proposal to allow Strata Solar Company to build a
solar farm off Highway 258.
During the Woodland Town Council meeting, one local man, Bobby Mann, said
solar farms would suck up all the energy from the sun and businesses would
not go to Woodland, the Roanoke-Chowan News Herald reported.
Jane Mann, a retired science teacher, said she was concerned the panels
would prevent plants in the area from photosynthesizing, stopping them
from growing.
Ms Mann said she had seen areas near solar panels where plants are brown
and dead because they did not get enough sunlight.
She also questioned the high number of cancer deaths in the area, saying
no one could tell her solar panels didn't cause cancer. ....
Actually, solar panals are only 20% efficient or less, and the energy
captured from the sun is about 100 watts per square foot. This means for
every square foot of solar array, the excess heat generated by the solar
panel is 100-20 = 80 watts. So, solar panels actually contribute to global
warming since every square foot of them generates 80 watts of heat on a
clear day. Imagine what would happen with a megawatt solar farm. The excess
wasted heat in a 6 hour day would be 24 megawatt hours, which is enough to
heat your 30 gallon water tank 4800 times. This has to be stopped if we are
ever going to save the planet.

--- news://freenews.netfront.net/ - complaints: ***@netfront.net ---
2015-12-14 06:59:24 UTC
Actually, solar panals ...
Correct me if I'm wrong but without the panels, all of the heat energy of
the sun would just heat up the earth without producing any electricity?
2015-12-14 09:22:57 UTC
Post by b***@gmail.com
Actually, solar panals ...
Correct me if I'm wrong but without the panels, all of the heat energy of
the sun would just heat up the earth without producing any electricity?
Maybe I'm wrong, but I thought from Bill's original post that the
Christians were thinking that solar panels suck extra energy out
of the sun, so that the sun would burn out faster.
2015-12-14 09:34:24 UTC
Post by rumpelstiltskin
Maybe I'm wrong, but I thought from Bill's original post that the
Christians were thinking that solar panels suck extra energy out
of the sun, so that the sun would burn out faster.
You know Rumpel, this is why you get the big bucks! Of course this
is what will happen if we continue to suck extra (20%) energy out of
the sun. We are doomed-DOOMED, I say! (or is it domed?)

"Ah well, what the hell?" ~Lady Smellsweet
2015-12-14 10:29:48 UTC
Post by b***@gmail.com
Post by rumpelstiltskin
Maybe I'm wrong, but I thought from Bill's original post that the
Christians were thinking that solar panels suck extra energy out
of the sun, so that the sun would burn out faster.
You know Rumpel, this is why you get the big bucks! Of course this
is what will happen if we continue to suck extra (20%) energy out of
the sun. We are doomed-DOOMED, I say! (or is it domed?)
"Ah well, what the hell?" ~Lady Smellsweet
I've learnt not to be sure I must have misunderstood when
religious people say something that seems completely off the
wall, such as stuff about devils and sky-monsters and eternal
damnation and feeding a whole crowd of people with five fish
and two flagons of wine, because sometimes stuff like that is
what they actually believe.

"Ah well, what in heaven?" ` Lord Smayly-ffort.
Bill Bowden
2015-12-15 05:43:22 UTC
Post by b***@gmail.com
Actually, solar panals ...
Correct me if I'm wrong but without the panels, all of the heat energy of
the sun would just heat up the earth without producing any electricity?
It's the reflectivity of the earth that accounts for the difference. Solar
panels absorb sunlight and don't reflect much, while the earth reflects
sunlight and doesn't absorb as much. Do the math and yuu will see the
obvious differences. .

--- news://freenews.netfront.net/ - complaints: ***@netfront.net ---
2015-12-15 12:39:21 UTC
On Mon, 14 Dec 2015 21:43:22 -0800, "Bill Bowden"
Post by Bill Bowden
Post by b***@gmail.com
Actually, solar panals ...
Correct me if I'm wrong but without the panels, all of the heat energy of
the sun would just heat up the earth without producing any electricity?
It's the reflectivity of the earth that accounts for the difference. Solar
panels absorb sunlight and don't reflect much, while the earth reflects
sunlight and doesn't absorb as much. Do the math and yuu will see the
obvious differences. .
The earth's average albedo is 30%. That's a lot more than
the moon (~10%), but it still wouldn't have much impact on
solar panels versus rock or ground or grass.
Loading Image...

By the looks of the map at the URL above, the average
albedo in technological arias (e.g. Europe, Southeast Asia,
lower 48 of the USA) is well under 20%. The highest
albedo is in deserts and icecaps.
