Biden Flooding Texas With COVID Infected Illegals Is Working!
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Herb Rhorer
2022-01-25 22:00:56 UTC
He's making a fool out of immigrant Rafael "Ted" Cruz.

Ted Cruz mocked for blaming rise in Covid cases in Texas on illegal

Data shows Texas lags significantly behind other big states in its own
vaccination rate

Ted Cruz mocked for blaming rise in Covid cases in Texas on illegal

Ted Cruz has been mocked for his claim that Covid-19 cases in south Texas
are rising because of migrants crossing the border.

The Republican Senator attacked President Joe Biden and Vice President
Kamala Harris for the administration’s immigration policy on the US-Mexico
border, and blamed those entering the US for spreading the virus.

The Biden administration is reportedly considering an end to the Trump-era
public health rule that allowed officials to turn away migrants at the
border during the pandemic.

“Understand this, if the Biden administration ends Title 42 they will be
releasing illegal immigrants in your community who are Covid positive,” Mr
Cruz claimed at a press conference this week.

“We’re seeing Covid positivity rates rising in South Texas. We’re seeing
Covid positivity rising in Laredo. We’re seeing Covid positivity rising in
San Antonio.”

He added: “Most of these illegal immigrants coming in haven’t been
vaccinated. They’re being put in cages with other people who are Covid-
positive; they’re spreading Covid and then releasing Covid in our
communities. This is lunacy.”

Texas has had more than 3 million Covid cases during the pandemic, and
52,919 deaths.

Public health data shows that Texas is significantly behind other big
states when it comes to vaccinations. Only 42.6 per cent of the population
is fully vaccinated in the Lone Star state, compared to 52 per cent in
California, and 55 per cent in New York.

In March Robert Fenton, acting head of the Federal Emergency Management
Agency (FEMA), told lawmakers that less than 6 per cent of Covid-19 tests
for migrants at the US-Mexico border had come back positive, lower than
the overall positivity rate in the state of Texas.

Conservative political analyst, Bill Kristol, criticized Senator Cruz’s
claims for having no basis in reality.

“By the way, and not taking this totally dishonest and bad-faith comment
by Cruz seriously, here’s an honest question: Do we automatically
vaccinate people we pick up at the border? Or for that matter unvaccinated
people coming into the country in any way? Shouldn’t we?” he tweeted.
Most watched

Mr Cruz was also attacked by Shannon Watts, the founder of the gun action
group Moms Demand Action.

“On August 2, it will be two years since a gunman - motivated by racism -
drove nine hours to El Paso to shoot and kill immigrants. Ted Cruz knows
full well that his dangerous rhetoric puts a target on the back of every
brown person in Texas,” she tweeted.

Mr Cruz was also mocked by Project Lincoln co-founder, Reed Galen.

“It’s not, Ted. It’s because you and all your vaccinated friends are
telling your supporters to catch Covid. To own the libs by dying for your
ambition and cynicism,” he tweeted.

The Independent has reached out to Mr Cruz’s office for comment.
2023-02-22 09:22:14 UTC
He's making a fool out of The Democratic party.
Happy Independence Day! If you’ve been waiting for the green light from
President Biden to host your annual barbecue, well, I have great news: Joe
is finally granting you permission to enjoy your summer cookout — and he
has some interesting menu suggestions.

On Thursday night, the White House tweeted a slide show of unappetizing
“July 4th” meals. The pictures included pork chops and slices of cheese
along with their current prices.

But what was even more bizarre than the food selections was the stomach-
turning caption: “Planning a cookout this year? Ketchup on the news.
According to the Farm Bureau, the cost of a 4th of July BBQ is down from
last year. It’s a fact you must-hear(d). Hot dog, the Biden economic plan
is working. And that’s something we can all relish.”

Even for the propagandists who run the White House Twitter accounts, this
one was notably cringe-worthy.

Fox News’ Peter Doocy was quick to point out that even though Americans
might save .16 cents on their baked bean and cheese barbecue, they are
still paying for gas which is at a seven-year high. White House press
secretary Jen Psaki shot back sarcastically, “I would say: If you don’t
like hot dogs, you may not care of the reduction of costs.”

Despite her sarcasm, plenty of people weren’t laughing off the White
House’s tweet.

One user on Twitter wrote, “This kind of thing seems like a strategic
mistake. It’s a tweet telling people that the thing they are actually
seeing in their own lives (inflation) isn’t actually happening. I don’t
know who the convincible audience for this is.”

Joe might come to find out that the convincible audience, like the old
gray mare, ain’t what it used to be.

Gaslighting has always been a major part of politics. Lest we forget,
former President Obama once famously told Americans, “If you like your
doctor, you can keep your doctor.”

The progressive elite have always depended on American voters being either
incredibly gullible or grossly misinformed. But the difference between Joe
and Barack is that the latter knew what the average American was focused
on — and stayed away from it.

For example, outside of the politically-tuned in, most people weren’t
paying extremely close attention when the Obama administration lied and
claimed the 2012 Benghazi attack was caused by a YouTube video. But the
Biden administration is lying to Americans about things they are seeing
with their own eyes on a daily basis.

Joe’s big plans (or “pans”) are affecting people’s children, wallets and

The Biden administration also expects Americans to buy their delusional
narrative on crime. Recently Jen Psaki upped her Baghdad Bob game and
said, “Some might say that the other party was for defunding the police.”

That’s right. After all of the vitriol the left has thrown at the police
over the last four years, they are now trying to pin it on Republicans.
Keep in mind that plenty of Democrats have been very vocal about defunding
the police, including U.S. Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ayanna

So it’s a bold move for Psaki to try and distance the Dems from a slogan
that so many of their party’s leaders still proudly use. Later when Psaki
was asked if she could name a single Republican who ever proposed
defunding the police, Psaki naturally drew a blank.

Critical Race Theory is another topic that Americans are told is not
happening. Joy Reid and other Democrat talking heads dismiss parents who
oppose Critical Race Theory as racists. According to the brilliant minds
in the mainstream media, CRT isn’t even being taught in schools K-12.

And yet Christopher Rufo, a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute,
reported on a school in Cupertino, California, where third graders were
being forced “to deconstruct their racial and sexual identities, then rank
themselves according to their ‘power and privilege.’”

Parents who are fighting back against Critical Race Theory aren’t falling
for a conservative “boogeyman” or a GOP “distraction”. Rather, they are
seeing their children being indoctrinated with their own eyes. And they
won’t pretend it isn’t happening — much to the chagrin of Brian Stelter
and Joy Reid.

The Biden administration, desperate to spin all of their disastrous
decisions, are insulting the intelligence of the American people.

Their smug mindsets have them believing that all of us Neanderthals are
standing over our grills talking about the great price of pork chops and
Dr. Jill’s “Vogue” cover.

I have a feeling most Americans have some other issues on the menu — and
that is something we can all relish.

Listen to Grace’s radio show, The Grace Curley Show, on WRKO from 12-3.

