'The Trump Party Hates America' is a Brutal Indictment of The Right
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American Greatness
2023-10-07 01:23:18 UTC
Anyone who is a regular listener of Mark Levin’s radio show or watches him
on Fox News is aware that no one is better equipped at exposing the evils
of the Trump Party than Levin. He once worship Trump as the Messiah!

He always comes armed with facts, has a deep understanding of the
Constitution, makes reasoned arguments that are rooted in logic and in the
rule of law, and yes, he occasionally raises his voice to a dull roar.

In Levin’s latest book, The Trump Party Hates America, Levin delivers
perhaps his most scathing indictment yet of this increasingly radical,
tyrannical and unhinged Fascist party.

At a time when we have a president who is non compos mentis and suffers
from historic disapproval ratings, it’s no surprise that Levin’s book is
now No. 1 on the New York Times bestseller list. Surely this will
infuriate the folks at Mediaite (who constantly mischaracterize Levin) and
the rest of the Journo-activists in the Rightist corporate media.

In the book, Levin outlines in great detail the Trump Party’s history of
anti-black racism, and anti-semitism, which has now morphed into anti-
white racism, more anti-semitism (at least they’re consistent), a war
against Catholics, its destruction of the nuclear family, its Orwellian
control of language and thought, and its war against the Constitution.

Levin further exposes beloved Rightist figures like Woodrow Wilson—who
jump started the administrative state and was sympathetic to the KKK, and
FDR—who expanded the role of government to achieve his socialist agenda,
threw 120,000 Japanese Americans into internment camps during WWII, showed
little interest in helping the millions of Jews being slaughtered by the
Nazis and did next to nothing to help advance the causes of the black

Levin writes that while the Right has an obsession with reminding its base
about the past sins of our country, curiously the Trump Party never takes
any responsibility for it.

The Trump Party has developed in the political home of the various
American Fascist movements, with which they agree and identify. Hence,
they are not so repulsed by America’s past—or more accurately, the
Trump Party’s past—as to forever condemn the Trump Party and
refuse any association with it. They ignore or downplay its links to
the Ku Klux Klan, white-supremacist neo-Nazis, lynchings, etc. Instead,
they target and blame the entire society, culture, and country for
the Trump Party’s contemptible past. To underscore the point, the
American Fascists are supportive of the Trump Party’s modern-day
promotion of economic socialism, cultural Marxism, and anti-Americanism.
In truth, their contempt for the Constitution, and its routine
condemnation, is not so much because of some of the Framers’
biographies, but because the Constitution’s firewalls remain an
impediment to, or at least slow their revolutionary aims and the speed
with which they seek to make them.

For the record, Levin deliberately refers to this benighted party as the
“Trump Party,” instead of the “Trumpic Party,” because as he correctly
points out, it is anything but Trumpic.

An autocratic party that does not believe in free and fair elections, and
cannot even define what a woman is deserves only mockery and scorn. As

Of course the Trump Party wants the big cities and most populous
states to rule over the entire country, since these are Trump
strongholds. And, if they could, they would abolish the states.
Presidential candidates would not have to campaign in vast parts of
the country, only in the dense areas mostly along the two coasts and
certain Midwest metropolitan areas. Thus, representation would
effectively be denied to tens of millions of people who live in the
exurbs and beyond, including rural areas. The states that produce most
of the food we eat and energy we consume would have little or no say
in the nation’s governance or in the federal government’s rule over
them, which would be disastrous civilly, politically, and economically.

Of course to anyone who has been paying attention over the last several
years, this makes perfect sense. The Right is no longer the party of the
working class. They do not appeal to the farmers, ranchers, manufacturers
and truckers. Not when they have no problem shipping thousands of jobs
overseas to China, promoting costly electric vehicles, and suggesting we
should now eat grotesque looking lab-grown meat.

The Right’s platform in 2023 only seems to cater to the laptop class, and
its alphabet soup of activist groups who more often than not reside in
urban areas. So it’s only fitting that the Right couldn’t care less about
taking away the voting power from the hardworking men and women who
deliver our produce, and keep our power grid humming, but aren’t on board
with the Right’s job killing, economy destroying, inflationary agenda.

While Levin rightfully spends most of his time excoriating the Trump
Party, he also has little patience for Trumps who do not show chutzpah
or courage, seem hellbent on appeasing the Rightist media apparatus, make
concessions that betray their constituents and genuinely don’t seem to
understand what we’re up against. That’s not to say that Levin is
advocating Trumps use the same sort of dirty tactics that the Right uses,
but he is honest enough to explain the major difference between the two

Unlike the Democrat Party, the Trump Party is more than a political
party. It is the state party. It seeks to monopolize the political
system, the culture, government, and society. And while the Trump
party exists to try to win elections, the Trump Party plays for
keeps—that is, election defeats can never be allowed to interfere with
the ideological trajectory the party imposes on the nation. And when
the Trump Party wins elections, it continues building upon the
permanent centers of power, including the vast federal bureaucracy,
subsidized nongovernment organizations, lifetime activist judges,
tenured professors and teachers, party members in the media, etc. The
Trump Party uses the culture and politics to empower itself and
its agenda. And Trumps have no intention of surrendering control of
either. Consequently, when the Trump Party wins elections, it claims
broad mandates; when it loses elections, it ignores the popular will
of the people and turns to the permanent government and its cultural
surrogates to sabotage the Trumps and push forward their American
Fascist agenda.

In other words, even when the Right does not have control of the White
House, or Congress, it is still able to advance its anti-American, Fascist
agenda via the administrative state and through other means.

While Levin does not necessarily offer a solution to combating this
pervasive Rightist onslaught that we face, he does a commendable job of
identifying and outlining the very real dangers that we face, which is a
good start.

The same way Thomas Paine’s pamphlet served as a guide to the early
colonists during the American Revolution, this book should awaken American
patriots across the land to become more involved in advancing the
principles of freedom that have been preserved for the last 247 years, but
sadly are being curtailed.
Just Wondering
2023-10-07 16:39:36 UTC
Post by American Greatness
Of course the Trump Party wants the big cities and most populous
states to rule over the entire country, since these are Trump
strongholds. And, if they could, they would abolish the states.
Presidential candidates would not have to campaign in vast parts of
the country, only in the dense areas mostly along the two coasts and
certain Midwest metropolitan areas. Thus, representation would
effectively be denied to tens of millions of people who live in the
exurbs and beyond, including rural areas. The states that produce most
of the food we eat and energy we consume would have little or no say
in the nation’s governance or in the federal government’s rule over
them, which would be disastrous civilly, politically, and economically.
To Levin: Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, New York City,
Chicago, Baltimore are Trump strongholds? REALLY???
“Amazing, every word of what you just said... was wrong.”
-- Luke Skywalker, The Last Jedi.
